God cannot watch people suffer. He can see it. He can see it, and He cannot see it.

He can’t see it – what people do to each other. They are completely delirious. They’re completely delirious and no longer see what they are doing to themselves.

They do so much to themselves. They do it, and do not know what they are doing. They don’t know that they are harming each other so much that they won’t be able to cope with it anymore.

They are oblivious to the damage they are doing. They are oblivious to the things they are doing. They do it and can no longer recognize what they are doing.

It’s gruesome. It is far removed from anything that people have done to each other in the past. They have lost all sense of respect. They are only concerned about themselves. They have lost all sense of proportion. They are only out to safeguard their own profits. They do it without regard. They have no scruples. They gamble. They gamble the world away.

The rest of humanity is left petrified with fear. People are filled with fear and confused. They are confused and cannot go on any longer. They can’t take it anymore. They have stopped reflecting on everything that is happening. They don’t reflect on anything anymore. They just do what they are told.

God is here. God is here and there is nothing He can do. That is, God cannot do anything because human beings possess free will. They are only in their heads now. Their intellect has them fully in its grip. Their EGO has them fully in its grip, that is. They are bent solely on doing what others say. They can no longer think clearly. They are so exhausted that they cannot go on. They can’t tell the difference anymore. That’s the way it is now – people have stopped thinking.

They can’t think clearly anymore, so they do whatever they are told. The others are? The others are the people who know what they are doing. They do it. They don’t care that people are suffering as a result. They don’t care. They are far removed from the people. They cannot see anything anymore. They are distanced. Their distance from people is so great that they can’t feel anything for them anymore. They do this. They keep on doing. They keep on doing and they can’t help it. They have long since become distanced from themselves.

One wonders, “How is this possible?” It is possible. People can be like that. They can be like that when their EGO has virtually overpowered them. They are so caught up in their EGO that they don’t feel anything anymore. They kill everything inside of themselves that stands in the way. Their hearts are closed. They are no longer themselves. You can choose to believe this or not. That’s not important. It’s only important when you see the consequences that it has.

It has consequences! Those people can do anything. They are willing to do anything. They are willing to leave everything behind. That means they are also willing to sacrifice people.

They sacrifice them. They don’t do this openly. They don’t do this openly, they simply advocate for nothing to happen. For nothing to happen and so that nothing can happen. All the people who want to do something against them are struck down. They are struck down and then they are no longer there. They are taken out of circulation. That is the case. That’s how it is now. They are taken out of circulation.

People don’t see that. They only see those they encounter every day. Who tell them every day what to do.

Surely this cannot be possible. Every day, billions of people let just a few people tell them what they have to do. Have to, not can. Have to, and what’s more, if they don’t, they are punished.

Punished for what? For that which the people who do all this consider worthy of punishment. Surely this cannot be possible. But that is the way it is. That is the way it is and it can get worse.

People don’t see that. They don’t see it and they cannot imagine it. They are so petrified that they can’t see anything anymore. They can’t because they can’t think clearly anymore. People only see what they think. They think what they see. This is because they don’t know that what they think is what their EGO makes them think. Their EGO is now making sure that they feel only fear. Feelings that are negative breed anxiety.

The people who are doing all this are well aware of that. They do it perfectly. They know how to incite fear. They know this and do it with no scruples.

The people cannot defend themselves. They cannot defend themselves because they are bombarded by negative information. Information that is reinforced by images.

God sees all this. God is here.

He is here and sees what is being done to people. He sees it. He sees every detail. He knows about everything. He knows the people who do all this. He knows their every thought. He understands that they are willing to do anything.

God cannot allow that to happen.

People are destroying themselves. They are trapped in their EGO. They cannot escape it anymore. God has to act.

They do anything now. They now do whatever they want to do. They are ready. They now believe they have free rein. They don’t have free rein. They’ve already gone too far. They have gone too far and will not be able to continue.

They are not God.

They are not God means they are not omnipotent.

They believe that they are. They believe it and behave accordingly. Nor are they God with respect to their conduct.

They are not God because they are brutal. God is not brutal. He is a loving God.

God must now intervene. God must intervene because God can no longer see people suffering.

The fear virus is the worst one. People have not yet grasped that. They still believe that they won’t be affected by it. They still believe that, and that is why they are silent. Silent, and they do nothing.

They do nothing and put up with everything. Yet they, too, are not immune to being affected. They just don’t know it yet. They are going to wake up then.

Nothing is worse than when people are unaware!

Being aware means having a clear idea of what is happening!

People don’t have that. They do not realize what is happening. They don’t know. They don’t know, and that’s why they’re still silent.

God knows what is happening.

God knows and has to act. He must act and He can act. The people can trust that God will act.

He will act because He must act.

God must act. Why? Because people are in danger. People are in danger, and God loves people.

They must be stopped, those who are doing all this.

God can do that. God can do that and God wants to do that. Why?

Because God cannot allow people to destroy themselves.

That’s not what God created people for. He did not create them so that they would destroy themselves.

God wants people to be happy.

God doesn’t see people who are happy anymore. God only sees people who are frightened.

Who are unhappy. Who are just plodding on. Who have no more joy. Who are merely still here. They are here, doing only what others want.

They do it. They do it and they don’t want to. But they say, “I have to survive!” What kind of survival is that? Survival without joy! That’s not life!

To live is to rejoice! To rejoice and to do what you want.

God wants this to be restored.

A people who want to live. Who want to rejoice. Who want to rejoice and can rejoice. Why?

Because God is here.