It is not, that I want to say, water is not important. No!!! It is of utmost importance to life. It is life.

This is something, which the people do not see. They do not see, that water is all. Water is all, for their life. Why?

Because water can do a lot of things. A lot oft hings, which they regard not so important, than other things. They regard important, that they just have water. Water, they can drink.

They drink water. The people. Most of the time they drink it, and cannot see, what they drink. They do drink, but are not aware, what they drink. They do drink, and are not aware, that they drink water, but not good water.

They drink water, but also could drink something. Something, which does not do good for them. Means: „they just do not care, what they drink!!!“

Drink, and also not know, what happens to them. They are not aware, that drinking is important. That drinking is not only important, but also affects a lot of things. Things, which are of utmost importance to them.

It is, like it is. People drink. They drink to fast. They drink, what they can get. They are thursty, and do, what they believe can help them. They do it, and can do it.

They do it, and do it, because they feel. They feel thursty. Does not matter, what they drink, because they are thursty and hope, that they will be no more be thursty, when they drank. Yes, that is the case. For the moment.

For the moment, they are satisfied. No, not satisfied, but saturated. Saturated from something, they drank. This is, what the people should be aware of. They are only saturated.

Saturation in general is something, which the people are looking for. They do not care about, what this saturation means. They most of the time are only saturated with a lot of things. Things, which they just take, to be saturated.

Saturation is good. No. It is not good. Not good, and can do a lot of harm to the people. Why?

Because it is not good, to just drink. It is not good, to just drink, and also drink to fast. It is not good, to drink, and not only to drink to fast but, too much.

It is, what matters. The people do not recognize, that it is important to appreciate what they drink. What they do. What they should do, to help their body. To help their body and something else: „their overall well being.“

The overall well being of people is also dependent on what they do. Do, for their bodies. Do, for their bodies and for their organs.

The organs suffer, when people take, whatever they take. Whatever they take, when they feel a need. A need, to be saturated. This is, what the people do. They do it, and have to carry the consequences. Consequences, which they are not aware of.

It is also important, that the people regard all of this important. That the consequences can be desastrous to them. It can not only be desastrous to them, but also hurt them severely. Severely and in many respect. They can have pain. They can risk their lifes. They can suffer a lot during their lifes.

This is, what are the consequences. This is also important for people to know. They do not know a lot. They do not know, what the organs do. They do not know, what water can do to the organs. Organs are important. Why?

Because they realize most of the digestion. They realize most of the excretion. They do also things, which are not known. They do things, which are so important, that the people, who have organic problems suffer a lot. They do transport a lot of things, from one point to the other. This is also of great importance, because the people have a lot to transport.

Organs initiate the transport. They do it, and can do it, but if they suffer, the might not be able anymore to do it. Then something begins, which is desastrous. Why?

Because the people suffer. They are stucked in the middle. Stucked means, they cannout excrete anymore.

They cannot do it in a way, which is good. They need all sorts of tabletts and medicine, which claims to help them. They do not help them really, but further enlarge the problem. They are stucked, and something else. There intestinal loops are hindered to do, what they can do. To transport.

They more and more get a problem, because they have no more room. Room enough to transport, what is necessary to be transported. Transported and not stored. Most of the people have stored things in their intestinal loops. Thus they have a more and more growing problem. This problem can end desastrous. Why?

Because they are finally unable to excrete. This is the end.

This is the end, and the prove for water. The prove for water, what it can do. It can do a lot. It can do a lot of things for the people.

Water can do a lot, means, it can help the people to overcome a lot of problems. Dependent of course of the qualitiy of the water.

People are not satisfied. Not satisfied, because they cannot excrete. They are not satisfied, because they cannot digest well. They are not satisfied, because they see no way out of all of this.

They would have a way out of this, but they do not see it, and do not look for a solution. They just take tablets. Tablets, which I already said, enlarge the problem over time.

Water is. Water is something, which can do a lot. But, the people started to create a water, which is no more the water, they got. They got from the nature.

The nature provided them with a water, which was good. Good for them. It was good for them, and did everything, what the people need. Now it is over.

Most countries have only bad water. Water, which does not do, what it can do.

They have got this bad water for many reasons, which can only briefly be outlined here. They got bad water, because they use chemicals to clean the water. They use not only chemicals, but also pipes, which are of a material, which is not good for the water. They also use bottles, which do not have the necessary quality to store water. They use plastics, all sorts of plastics, which do not deliver, what they should deliver to keep the water clean. They have no capacity, to keep water clean. Why?

Because they take from the water energy. Energy, which is needed to keep the water clean. Not only clean, but also powerful.

Powerful means, that the power, the water has, can be stored. Stored and kept for the time, til the water is drunk. Drunk and again used, if the bottle is not emptied the first time. Which is very often the case.

The people then put then the water in the refrigerator. That is not good. Why?

Because the refrigerator has chemical substances in it, which can harm the water. The water does not need to be cooled down, when it is good water.

This is something, which the people do not know. They do not know a lot about water. They regard it just there. Everywhere in many countries. Only, when the water is gone, the people start to bother. To bother and to complain, that there is not enough water anymore.

What did the people do, to keep the water reserves they have? Nothing. They just took it.

They took it, and off they went. They even disturbed the water sources. They disturbed them by pesticides. This is the main harmful mean. Pesticides, which the farmers put on their land. On their land not in low quantities, but they just put it in very high quantities. Millions of tons every year all over the world.

Human beings regard this as good? No, they fight for it. They go for a change. But, there is a lobby, which can overcome all the complaints. It is the chemical lobby.

A big industry with a lot of money. They can buy everybody influencial enough, to avoid, that pesticides are taken from the list. They can anyway do what they want. They go for something, and get it. Most of the time. If not, they come with another issue. An issue, which is very much related to the first issue. Then most of the time they win. They win on the various courts, they are filing something with.

It is unbelievable, what people do. People do something, which can hurt the whole human beings in the world. They just do it. They do not care.

Money is important. The welfare of people they do not care about. It is nothing worthwile to them. They have water. They can buy water everywhere, but the normal people cannot do it.

The people in Africa have to walk miles to get water. Also in other countries water becomes more and more limited. Limited, and this is water, which is not good, or not as good, as it should be.

We are all our own enemies. That is, what could be concluded, if we think about all of this. We do not care. We see all as a given.

Nothing is a given, if human beeings are just destroying, what is of utmost importance to their lifes.

Water sources.

Water sources are now limited. The people regard this a problem. They do not see, that it is not only the limited water, but also the quality of the water. It is the quality of the water, which makes them the biggest problem. Why?

Because it causes physical problems. Problems, which they do not see. They don´t see it, and do nothing against it. Why?

They drink. They just drink water in high quantities. They drink mineral waters and believe, that they drink healthy water. Yes, there might be healthy mineral waters, but most of them have problems. To much lime. To much chemical rests. To much things in it, which are very hard to identify. To much things, which they claim to enlarge the impact of the water, like herbs, like other elements, which are advertised as something, which helps to make the water more tasty.

Ridicoulous. Good water is wonderful. Good water can be dranken easily. Good water also does not have carbonic assit in it.

It is a catastrophy, what carbonic assit does to the major organ of the digestion – the stomach. This is just a good example to explain, what can happen, when people drink carbonic assit. They increase the volume of acid in the stomach. Which means, the acid in the stomach becomes so much, that it goes somewhere. Somewhere is somewhere. Somewhere is important. Why?

Because somewhere is important in the follow up. In the follow up of digestion. It is important for excretion. The excretion organ next to  the stomach is the duodenum. If the duodenum is hurt via the acid, it gives it to the small intestine. Then happens, what is not good to the peoples excretion. It creates problems to the colon, why?

Because it does no more separate the food, which is coming into the small intestine, in the way, it should be separated. Not only separated, but also divided. Thus the elements, which are coming into the colon are too big. Too big to be easily transported further. So a circle of further problems are created, which finally end up in constipation and other things, which I do not want to refer here to, because they are complex. Complex means: „they are so complex, that they can create serious harms to the people.“

Nomore medicine issues. No more medicine issues, because all of this is known. Known, but not said to the people. It is no secret to doctors. It cannot be. They know. They know, and do not, what they could do, because it is to complicated. No, it is not good. Good for them regarding their income. An income, which is there, because the people are ill. Ill, and that means, they need a lot of treatment. Treatment, which requires a lot of money. Not only money, but also medicine. Most of the time medicine, which costs a lot of money during years.

Money makes it. Makes it all. Also in the water industry.

It is the „gold“ of the future. No, it is already now a very big industry. An industry, with a lot of influence also. It can also influence a lot. Everywhere. Furthermore it is a political issue. Why?

Because water is limited. The people want to have water. They press to have water. The politicians have to deliver. To deliver, because if not, they are replaced. This, they do not want. Thus the parties do go for everything to ensure water. Even, if the water is not good. Not good, and a desaster for the people.

Politics should tell the people the truth. We do know, that this is not, what politics want to do. They are not known for truth. They most of the time do not tell the people the truth. They do not want to tell the truth, because then they must fear, that they would no more elected. This is something, which they definitely do not want.

Thus it is left to people. Left to people to survive with water, they get. Left to people, to see, how they can get around. Left to people to see, what they can do. What they can do, to overcome the problem.

What they can do, to do something, which avoids, that they can be harmed severely. What they can do, to overcome, that the water they are offered, is bad. Bad in the sense, that it does not do something good to their body.

This is the starting point for the question, what can be done on the individual level?

On the level of the people, to get water, which helps them. Water, which helps them to overcome things, which they are suffering from. What can be done?

It is first important, that water is clean. Clean, and something else: „that is really clean.“

Cleans means, that it does not include any chemicals. That it does not include any things, which are there, because waterpipes are not good.

Water must be cleaned. No. It must come from the sources. It must come from the sources, and the sources must be kept clean. That is the challenge. That is, what people have to strive for.

It is clean, because water is coming from the sources. From the sources, which are clean.

Clean sources do not need to clean water. Clean sources have natural water. Natural water is good. Natural water has everything which is needed. Natural water is good, because it has nothing, which disturbes the water. It has nothing chemical. It has nothing, which disturbes it´s structure. Nothing, which disturbes, what gives the water also the energy, natural water has.

Energy is a big issue. It is important, because energy makes the water vital. Vital means: „it gives the water the energy, which can help. Help the organs to do, what they can do. What they can do, when they get water. Water, which is vital. Vital and something else: „which is clean.“

People do not know too much about energy. They do not care about energy. They are the opinion, that they do not need to care about their energy. They think. They think, that energy is something strange. Something mysterious. Something which they say is esoteric. Esoteric means: „it is not known. It is not easily to prove. It is not scientific.“

All of this is stressed by people, who are interested, that nothing comes up, which could hinder them to make good business. Water is a very good business.

Thus again: „water is needed.“ Desperately needed to keep the people´s health in order. It is desperately needed, to keep the people´s energy at a high level. Why?

Because energy is ultimately that, what does the people keep alive. Alive and something else: „which gives them life.“

Life is energy. Life is energy and energy is life. Life is energy, and can be lived good, if the level of energy is good.

That is logic. That is not only logic, but it can also be proven. Proven, if the people want to see. They have problems to see. Why?

Because they immediately say: „where is the scientific prove?“ This is always the first question. Where is science, regarding the problems, which are constantly created via the bad water? Where is it?

This is not fair, are they saying. Yes, this is not fair, but, is it fair, to constantly ask for scientific prove, if the one, who could prove it, are not ready to find out, what it is all about with the energy of water?

They could easily do it, but they just do not want to do it. Why?

Because it would create a big, big problem for them. Why?

Because they would be confronted with the problem, which is created by industries, which are able to permanently proving something, which is not so, as it is proved. It is payed science. Payed sience, which always is there to prove something, which gives the industies the possibilities to go further with their businesses. „Studies“ are the name of the game. With „Studies“ the industry proves constantly whatever is needed to further go on with their approach.

This is the same with water. How can it be, that water is regarded good? How can it be, that water treated with chemicals can be regarded to be good? How can it be, that water, which is definitely bad, can be sold? Sold to people, with all the consequences behind it.

These are questions. Questions, which have to be answered. Answered, when somebody touches water.

Water is the most important for people. Without water and breath nobody can survive. This is a fact. Nobody can argue this.

Why then, do we not address this ultimate important issue in a way, which is needed? Why are we hiding, that the water the people are provided with, is very often not good. Not good for the people?

Let´s come back to energy. It is clear. Energy is there. All is energy. Energy can be measured. There are many means in the market, with which energy can be measured.

The only problem is, that it is not very much known. It is not known, because only a limited number of people are familiar with it. They do not have a big voice. They have not a big voice, and thus cannot prove. Prove to many people, that it is like it is. Energy is measurable.

The other people with a lot of influence can do everything. They can pay everybody to make „Studies.“ Studies, which prove, that there is no or only limited problems involved with the water. With the water, they are selling.

It is, like it is. Natural water has everything, people need. Natural sources are there. Natural sources can provide us with the water we need. The natural sources must be hold clean.

Everything has to be done to keep natural sources clean.

That is the ultimate requirement. That can be required. That can be asked for by all the people of the world. Why?

Because water is life. Life and something else: „it makes us other.“ Other means: „it makes us other, because water can influence our conciousness.“ Why?

Because all the human bodies are at least 70 % out of water. If water is other, which we drink, our conciousness is influenced. Influcenced, and something else: „it is raising.“

Raising conciousness means: „People realize more. People can understand more. People look to the world in a different way. People are other, because they do not think anymore, how they thought.“

People can decide. They can decide about their water. About the water they drink every day. A water, which should be clean.

Clean, like the natural water coming from sources.

Life is not so difficult. Not so difficult, when water is there, which helps to live. To live, like people can live, when they are concious.