Your Path to Self-Healing: Brochure
Leadership, healing, love – three “core elements” that have a profound influence on our lives – how we live and experience life. Our health. Our personality and the development of our personality, our character. Our relationships – their quality, intensity, and their stability and permanence. Our beliefs, our faith in ourselves and in our fellow human beings. Allowing ourselves to be as we are. Our success – whatever we regard as success – outward success or the richness and abundance of internal success. Our contentment and zest for life. The experience of the meaning of life. Ultimately, our relationship with God and creation – the recognition and the acknowledgement of a higher guidance and our connectedness with it. The realisation that in the end, everything is interconnected and interdependent. We are not alone, we are one with everything.
Our goal must be: to be conscious of the significance and importance, the force, the synergy, the power, and the interconnectedness of the “Three”. To understand them in all their complexity. Awareness is the key process in this context. There is no change without awareness – no improvement without accepting and managing change – no lasting health. With greater consciousness and awareness of the presence – the effects of the presence or absence of the “Three” – our understanding of them expands. Sensing, feeling the difference in our own well-being. Their effect on body, mind, and soul and the recognition of their interaction. There is no way around the “Three” in our lives if we intend to lead fulfilled and meaningful lives. If we, as individuals and as a society, want to achieve profound improvements in our own lives and in our environment. If we want to be in the flow – as an individual, as a group, as a society.
It is essential to regard the “Three” as “core competences”. We have to be aware of the fact that we need to learn constantly, to train with masters, to gather our own experiences, and to reap the benefits of the experiences of others in order to ultimately lead the “Three” to mastery, to be able to grasp the “Three” in their entirety. This requires ever increasing concentration and mindfulness.
This is not achieved by completing a learning assignment, but instead is a combination of knowledge and experience. A never-ending learning process. It requires constant, rigorous work on oneself. You alone bear the responsibility for the growth of your soul. The responsibility for fulfilling your life plan begins when you are born and ends when you die. Your consciousness is your lifelong companion. It expands or stands still – wherever – the decision is yours.
As a reward for our perpetual quest for awareness, change, and adaptation, we receive “merit energy” – life energy, well-being, solidarity; we are healthy, in a state of flow, because body, mind, and soul are in harmony. Your soul sees you on the path towards fulfilling your mission in life. Ultimately, everything that is and evolves serves the growth of your soul.
For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.